Maths operators deal with numbers only. As such both variables or literals must be numbers. The following example should cause an error -

A = 4 * "hello"

The following operators are available in most programming languages -

What it does
+ Addition A = 5 + 4 (Result = 9)
- Subtraction A = 5 - 4 (Result = 1)
* Multiplication A = 5 * 4 (Result = 20)
/ Division A = 8 / 4 (Result = 2)
MOD Modulus A = 12 MOD 10 (Result = 2)
DIV Rounded division A = 12 DIV 10 (Result = 1)

MOD operator stands for modulus (Sometimes written as % in some languages). This divides numbers but instead of giving the answer it will return the remainder. For example

44 MOD 10

44 divided by 10 is 4 remainder 4. As such the above bit of code will return the value 4.

DIV operator will basically return the rounded answer.

44 DIV 10

The above code will return 4 as the answer. Using DIV and MOD together you can get the full answer without decimal points. This is very useful in programming and a number of tricks can be done with these operators. One classic example is barcodes and check digits.

NOTE - Java will use the % symbol for MOD. DIV is done though rounding or casting to a int.