Common programming terms


A storage slot which is used to store values in memory. Is used with the assignment operator to assign values. More information on variables can be found on the java mini site.


Also known as a literal. It is a hard coded value which will not change. It is normally found on the right hand side of an assignment. For example a=8 where 8 is the literal. A constant is a bit more specific where we say that when a value is assigned it is never changed. In some languages it will be prefixed with the word const or final.


A identifier is the name of a method which can be used to gain access to the method. It could also refer to the name of a variable. A identifier would be the name while a method would be the whole thing (parameteres, code and return statement).

Keyword / reserved words

These are words which a reserved by a language and have some specific meaning. For example IF, NEXT, FOR, WHILE or REPEAT would all be considered keywords. Keywords can NOT be used as variable names as the language would not be able to tell them apart.